
Mono Dressage STIRRUP LEATHERS TMD T Bar / non-stretch calfskin 4 COLORS SIZES!




Sell non-stretch Mono DRESSAGE STIRRUP LEATHER brand TMD, in new condition.
Made of the highest quality calfskin with nylon inserts/core, they will never stretch.
The exclusive leather makes them extremely soft and durable.
Beautifully solidly made in Poland-
especially for You!
Mono stirrup leathers made without the buckles under the riders thigh, creating closer contact.
Adjustment with stainless steel T-bar buckles.
Covers (keepers) of buckles included.
COLORS: Four colors to choose from, also cream threads available!
2,5cm width x length
Not sure what length to choose?
Check what length you are currently riding (the length from the stirrup bar to the stirrup) – red line in the last photo.
Match your “red line” to the given regulation.
For example, the “red line” length is 61cm.
Stirrup leathers with a length of 75 cm will be perfect for you.
It will be possible to lengthen and shorten it.
Very bargain price!
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
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